Toxins and Immune Function
immune systems. Each of us is in a constant state of war with billions of creatures – bacteria,viruses, fungi, and parasites – on us, around us, and in us – that threaten to give us an infection that can compromise how we feel, and quite possibly shorten how long we live. We are in the midst of a huge pandemic that is largely ignored by the traditional medical community. As many as 75% of Americans suffer from some form of bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infection, which can manifest as:
• fatigue
• chronic sinus infection
• asthma
• allergies
• skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne and rosacea
• ulcers
• sexually transmitted diseases
• urinary tract infections
• frequent colds or flu
• recurring bronchitis and pneumonia
• recurring ear infections
• dental problems, such as gingivitis, bad breath, or abscesses
• food poisoning
• and more!
New research suggests that infections may be a possible mechanism for heart disease andcancer – today's most virulent killers. In short, infections that compromise our immunity maywell be the trigger that accelerates the onset and/or progression of the chronic degenerativediseases of aging. Infections agents may well be the singlemost important yet undiscovered cause of premature aging and the chronic degenerative disorders of aging that now plague Americans –Alzheimer's, arthritis, cancer, fatigue, heart disease, memory loss, and more. Low-grade, undetected, untreated infections may shave 20 years or more off of your active and productive lifespan, and rob you of a lifetime of bountiful energy and happiness. “What you don’t know CAN hurt you.” Thus, we offer this work to assist you in understanding and implementing a safe and efficacious program of detoxification to optimize your immune function and beat back the bugs